
One to One Therapy
Our Registered Behavior Technicians and Board Certified Behavior Analysts work directly with your child throughout the entire session, ensuring that your child receives individualized programming. The sessions are conducted to fit your child's needs.

Parent Empowerment
Your Board Certified Behavior Analyst works to help you and we want to ensure that we are providing the support and tools you need to help your child. We provide parent empowerment sessions, and work to help you become and remain experts of your child’s ABA program.

Functional Communication
We help your child learn how to communicate his or her
wants and needs by using the best mode of communication for them, whether it be using vocalizations, sign language or a Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS.)

Social Skills
We will teach your child the skills necessary to socialize, interact and play with their peers. Skills targeted in this area include how to engage in conversation exchange, identifying social cues, and how to share and take turns when playing together.

Daily Living Skills
During daily living skills training, we teach your child to become more independent in everyday tasks such as brushing their teeth, tying their shoes, dressing, using utensils to eat meals, and potty training.

Behavior Reduction
We work on reducing problematic behaviors by identifying the cause of why the behavior occurs and teaching safe and appropriate skills to take their place.